
Map of the Trails

Map of the trails

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Please note that due to newly installed sculptures, recently de-installed sculptures, and new and exciting sculptures to come our sculpture list will be undergoing edits and will not be finalized until after July 2025. Blank spaces listed indicate that no sculpture is currently on display at that respective number, but it will be sometime soon! We thank you for understanding.

1 - Public collaboration w the Trails, Community Column
2 - Dave CaudillIn, The Moment, KY
3 - William Pratt, Box Turtle, IN
4 - Roy Kitchin, Floating Weight, England
5 - Roy Kitchin, Weight in Tension, England
6 - Roy Kitchin, Wedge and Columns, England
7 - Ryan Goff, Merge, KY
8 - Gerry Masse, Ask, KY
9 - Julie Slattery, Don’t Tell Me To Get a Grip, NM
10 - Gerry Masse, Gravitational Pulls, KY
11 - Gerry Masse, Her Energy, IN
12 - Gerry Masse, Awakening, KY
13 - Clifton Cox, Self Portrait, KY
14 - Jack Gron Ghost Flight TX
15 - "Kim ""Kimmer"" Alder", Untitled, KY
16 - Gerry Masse, Supporting Nature, KY
17 - "Michael ""Mikey"" Johnson", Palm Shell,
KY 18 - Andrew Light, Forest Dancing, KY
19 - Garrett Krueger, Trial, WI
20 - Brad Connell, Endless Structure, GA
21 - Jimmy Oganga, Unfinished Business, Kenya
22 - Dusty Folwarczny, Cut Off, IL
23 - Garrett Krueger, Sentry, WI
24 - Andrew Marsh, Devil's Night Iron Works, KY
25 -"James Wade, Jr.",6 Miles North of South Platte, KY
26 -Ben Lock, LSE (luxury sport edition), NC
27 - Micky Matson, New Growth, KY
28 - Andrew Marsh, Sik-O’s Pour Toy, KY
29 - Rick Batten, Basket I, Poland
30 - Rick Batten, Basket II, Poland
31 - Pam Brown, Indiana Rim, England
32 - Brian Thompson, Richland Creek, England
33 - Jack Gron, Visitation, TX
34 - Garrett Krueger, Triumvirate, WI
35 - Erika Strecker, Migration, KY
36 - Keith Spears, Spirit of Industry, KY
37 - Garrett Krueger, Torque, WI
38 - Caro Burbury, Indiana Visionary, England
39 - Luke Achterberg, Drag to the Finish, WI
40 - Katerina Nissa Sanerib, Knowledge Has No Blind Side, WI
41 - Dan Ney, Traction, MO
42 - Stacey Chinn, Give Me a Boost, KY
43 - Richard Rome, Thunder Horse, England
44 - Heidi Meyers, The Pig and Politician, England
45 - Andrew Marsh, Flyin’ Iron the Evil Leaves, KY
46 -Brian Thompson, Underground Railroad, England
47 -Robin Baker, Split, KY
48 - Nathan Goodson, Any Outie, AL
49 - Garrett Krueger, Self Portrait of the Artist as Janus, WI
50 - Adam Garey, Lost Continent, KY
51 - Gerry Masse, Right Brain Left Brain, KY
52 - Faville Donahue, Geometrical Progression #7, KY
53 - Chuck Householder, 1950’s Tattoo, KS
54 - Nathan Goodson, Ample Sample, AL
55 - Andrew Light, Whiptailed Harlet, KY
56 - Lewis Rifkowitz, Untitled, Guam
57 - "Jane Thompson, N.", Bark Hut, England
58 - Ira Hill, Fire Goddess, FL
59 - Pam Brown, Both Ways at Once, England
60 - Jenna Kriegel, Constant, GA
61 - Christen Overstake, Cotton Seed, IL
62 - William Vanneson, Tower of Sleep, FL
63 - Gerry Masse, Waiting for You, KY
64 - Myra Rychner, By Whose Hands?, WI
65 - Mya Kerner, An Oscillation, WA
66 - Robin Baker, Reverence, IN
67 - Bert Gilbert, Not Dead, IN
68 - David Marquez, Germination 001,KY
69 - P.J., Untitled, FL
70 - Jacob Chrzan, The Courier, IN
71 - Gerry Masse, Life, Blood, Family, IN
72 - Gerry Masse, Swing Bridge, KY
73 - Richard Rome, Baltimore 80: Solsberry13, England
74 - Andrew Marsh, Stinger, KY
75 - Michael LeBlanc Crystal Unicorn, Headstone, GA
76 - Eleanor Davidson, Midpoint, KY
77 - Francisco Cordova, Failing Grace, NM
78 - Jen Broadbent, Fall Leaf, ID
79 - Laura Katz, A Tool for Perception, PA
80 - Jack Gron, Saint Darby, TX
81 - Walter Early, IV, Sherd, KY
82 - Richard Rome, Whack-a-doo, England
83 - Andrew Marsh, Forest Rose, KY
84 - April Livingston, Capella, AL
85 - Devin Balara, Unfold, FL
86 - Morgan Lugo, Subconscious Self, GA
87 - Pam Brown, Double Landscape,
England 88 - Caro Burbury, Ascension, England
89 - Brian Thompson, Trails Round, England
90 - Gerry Masse, Son Up to Son Down, IN
91 - Caroline Ennis, Alluviation, FL
92 - Toby Robson, Trinal 3E, England

93 - Joshua Greenwell, Generate, KY
94 - "Michael ""Mikey"" Johnson II", Enersion, KY
95 - Emily Hogan, Path Seekers, TN
96 - Mya Kerner, Three Panels Untitled, WA
97 - Nathan Goodson, Sewn Seeds, AL
98 - Bert Gilbert, Family Matters, IN
99 - Barbara Brogdon, A Nude Study with Attitude, NJ
100 - Jeremy Colbert, The Sun Will Shine, KY
101 - Charlotte Paul, Slice in Time, IN
102 - Noah Kirby, That Wrens Make Pray, IL
103 - Virginia Elliot, L'Ours, OH
104 - Richard Rome, Silvanus, England
105 - Victoria Priep, Battle Axe Woman, FL
106 - Peter Leone, FeGyro, NY
107 - Jack Gron, Trails Gateway, TX
108 - Josh Greenwell, Stride, KY
109 - Nigel Ellis, Still, England
110 - Donald Mee, Relic 004, IN
111 - Gerry Masse, Southern Breeze, IN
112 - Mary Rose, Spark, OH
113 - Amy Cunningham, Self Portrait, NY
114 - Christen Overstake, #2.5 Site Specific, IL
115 - Pam Brown, Atlantic Mirrors, England
116 - Peter Leone, Immortal Mandala, NY
117 - Bryan Rasmussen, The Architect, TN
118 - Becca Jett, Venus des Trails, PA
119 - Devon Dickson, Iron Bench, MA
120 - Richard Rome, Orion, England
121 - Jacob Chrzan, Goddess of Growth, GA
122 - David Marquez, Styro 000:, Cussi, KY
123 - Michael Maxson, Inferno, KY
124 - Ian Skinner, Peer, FL
125 - Francisco Cordova, Time, NM
126 - Samantha Sullivan, Lightheaded, MN
127 - David Lobdell, Binary Mandala, NM
128 - Taylor Davis, Mourning, KY
129 - Hannah Johnson, Cynics, KY
130 - Jacob Chrzan, Old Growth Brings New Life, GA
131 - William Kolok, Untitled, IN
132 - Alex Gelderman, Relic if the last Phase, Ky
133 - Keaylee Taylor, (UN)natural, AR
134 - Alex (LX) Aguirre, Shocker, KY
135 - Paul Watson, Worm, MA
136 - Caro Burbury, Roots and Wings, England
137 - David Marquez, Column, KY
138 - Roy Kitchin Blake, England
139 - Off Site Pam Brown Surveyor, England
140 - Off Site Pam Brown Offcut, England
141 - Off Site Roy Kitchin Little Roll Right, England
142 - Off Site Roy Kitchen Sun II, England
143 - Off Site Roy Kitchin Sin Track, England
144 - Paul Watson, Resolute, MA
145 - Jakub Cmarko, Bend it, Slovakia
146 - Gerry Masse, Only Human, IN
147 - Hugh Patton, Earthbuilder, LA
148 - Julie Slattery, Chain, NC
149 - Ariana Berman, Resilience, WI
150 - Rhiannon Scheidt, Three Siblings, PA
151 - Katie Virag, Flock, NY
152 - James Wade, Cuts Across the Land, KY
153 - Hugh Patton, The Struggle, AL
154 - Allison Denny, Changing Perspective, KY
155 - Ezekiel Moriarty, Done Unto Other, MA
156 - Molly Harington, Extremophile, MA
157 - Alexandra Rose, Stripped, AL
158 - Tayler Michael Dale Allen-Galusha, Dammed, AL
159 - Young, You are a Memory, AR
160 - Kelly Frye, Basketmaker, NM
161 - David Arnold, Lost in Time, Opportunities, Downward Spiral, WI
162 - Garrett Krueger, Go over and ask her to dance, WI
163 - Teresa Lind, Come here Go Away, WI
164 - Richard Rome, untitled, UK
165 - Jessica Czarnecka, Iron Soul, Poland
166 - Jason Kash, Double Articulation, KY
167 - Francis Akosa, Family Tree, Ghana
168 - Sophie Nebeker, Boundlessness, UT
169 - Gabriella Hoss, Personality Trait, KY
170 - Victor Edwards, CC, IL
171 - Hadley Hrdlicka, En-route, NM
172 - Ethan Harmon, Monuments Degradation, FL
173 - Pete Mathewson, Object to be Loved, MA
174 - Jason Kash, I-Beam, KY
175 - Asha Cabaca, To Sway, VA
176 - Briana Hocutt, Untethered, WA
177 - Vinny Verburg, Yes… I’ll Hold, NC
178 - Ira Hill, Make Time, AL
179 - Rachel Wallace, Breathe, AR
180 - Emma Finnen, Misplaced Trust, NC
181 - Livia Mcnulty, Silvia, VA
182 - Kevin Vanek, Life in a Doorway, NC
183 - Clara Romero Collins, Happy Birthday, UK
184 - Savannah Ballard, The World Moves at a Pace I Cannot Match, KY